Discover, catalog and enrich all your data assets
Sidecar is a simple and intuitive tool that helps you better understand and improve confidence in your data.
Core features to successfully manage your data assets
Key capabilities
Automatically gather all technical metadata
Create a clean and relevant hierarchy with your data assets
Intuitive way to understand your assets
Add meaningful context and associate key stakeholders
Identify and tag sensitive data across the organization
Minimal IT expertise & common technologies
Data consumers will spend less time searching for the right data and focus on delivering fast insights
Stay up to date with your data assets
Collect technical information automatically
Periodically run updates to ensure accurate metadata
Catalog distant databases
Centralize all information in a single repository

Create a clean and relevant hierarchy
Group your data assets through multiple strategic axes
Define your own thematic areas for your data assets, what we refer to as a “domain” in sidecar
Associate management solutions to these domains through applications
Add concepts to tag specific data assets
An intuitive way to understand your assets
Powerful visualisation to navigate through your data assets
Filter your assets by classifications, concepts, SME, product owner, etc.
Display the full details of a node

Add meaningful context
Add business context with clear definition of the assets and attributes
Describe in detail the business rules
Add key stakeholders such as the subject matter expert, the business owner or the ICT product owner to give data consumers additional support
Manage sensitive data
Identify sensitive data across the organization
Define your own data classification, such as GDPR, CPRA, HIPAA, etc.
Use the full text search functionality to scan all the data assets and automatically identify potential sensitive data
Create synonym and exclusion lists to narrow your search
Associate confidentiality levels to the attributes

A simple solution for high business value
Lean Technology Stack
Minimal IT expertise & common technologies
The aim of sidecar is to provide a discreet tool, with low TCO, based on known technologies and mastered by most IT teams.
● Metadata central repository hosted in SQL Server database
● API to easily exchange information
● Web interface to enrich the assets
● Intuitive visualisations to explore data
● Jobs automatically collect and update metadata
● Full auditing tables to keep track of modifications and deletions

What you need to run sidecar
● Microsoft SQL Sever
● Full Text Search component
● Minimum privileges to tier databases
● ASP.NET Core version 3.1
● Easy as that!
Lean architecture for easy deployment and maintenance
Real life examples
Use cases